{"id":17218,"date":"2016-01-16T15:05:57","date_gmt":"2016-01-16T21:05:57","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/secure.rosehosting.com\/blog\/?p=17218"},"modified":"2022-12-09T09:09:41","modified_gmt":"2022-12-09T15:09:41","slug":"how-to-install-observium-on-ubuntu-14-04","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/www.rosehosting.com\/blog\/how-to-install-observium-on-ubuntu-14-04\/","title":{"rendered":"How to install Observium on Ubuntu 14.04"},"content":{"rendered":"
Observium is a PHP\/MySQL-based network observation and monitoring system which supports a wide range of hardware platforms and operating systems including Cisco, Windows, Linux, HP, Juniper, Dell, FreeBSD, Brocade, Netscaler, NetApp and many more. It collects data from devices using SNMP which you can check via it’s web interface. Observium makes heavy use of the RRDtool package and has a number of simple core design goals such as minimum interaction, maximum automation and maximum accessibility of information.<\/p>\n <\/p>\n Observium comes in two editions, an Open Source “Community Edition” and a “Subscription Edition”. The first one is released on a 6 month cycle, the second one is released with additional features, rapid bug fixes and feature improvements on a daily basis and an easy to use SVN-based update mechanism.<\/p>\n REQUIREMENTS<\/strong><\/p>\n We will be using our SSD 1 Linux VPS<\/a> Hosting plan for this tutorial.<\/p>\n UPDATE THE SYSTEM<\/strong><\/p>\n Make sure your server is fully up to date using:<\/p>\n INSTALL MYSQL<\/strong><\/p>\n Install MySQL so you can create the database needed. Enter the following command:<\/p>\n Now run the post-installation script \u2018mysql_secure_installation\u2019 in order to set a root password:<\/p>\n So, you set the MySQL root password to your liking. Next thing you need to do is to create a database. Login to your MySQL service as root:<\/p>\n With the above MySQL commands you created a database called observium<\/em> with an all privileged user obsuser<\/em> assigned to it. Later you will use these credentials in the Observium config.php file.<\/p>\n INSTALL OBSERVIUM<\/strong><\/p>\n To proceed with the installation, you need to install some much needed packages. Run:<\/p>\n Create a directory called observium<\/em> in \/opt<\/em>:<\/p>\n Download the latest Observium version:<\/p>\n Unpack the installation archive:<\/p>\n Next, enter the observium<\/em> directory and copy the config.php.default<\/em> file to a config.php<\/em> one. Enter the following:<\/p>\n Using your favorite text editor, modify the database configuration parameters with the ones created previously. We are using VIM:<\/p>\n After you edit the file and modify the database parameters, the section should look like this:<\/p>\n Enter the following command to setup the MySQL database and insert the database default file schema.<\/p>\n Create the directory to store RRDs in and set the proper ownership:<\/p>\n Edit Apache’s default virtual host directive. If you want to avoid searching through the file and locate the lines that need to be edited, we suggest you to copy the original file and create a new one in which you can paste the parametars needed.<\/p>\n Copy the original file:<\/p>\n Empty it:<\/p>\n Now, open the emptied 000-default.conf file and paste the following:<\/p>\n Enable the php mcrypt module:<\/p>\n Enable mod_rewrite for Observium’s cleaner URLs:<\/p>\n Restart Apache so the changes can take effect:<\/p>\n Next, enter the observium<\/em> directory:<\/p>\n Add a first user with the use level of 10 for admin. The command sintax is below:<\/p>\n We are using the following:<\/p>\n After creating the admin user, you can open your favorite web browser and navigate to http:\/\/your_server_IP. You will be welcomed by the Observium login page where you can use the credentials you configured with the adduser.php<\/em> script.<\/p>\n <\/p>\n Congratulations, you have successfully installed Observium on your Ubuntu 14.04 VPS<\/a>. Check Observium official documentation<\/a> for more information on configuring devices, alerts, authentication modules etc…<\/p>\n Of course you don\u2019t have to do any of this if you use one of our Linux VPS Hosting<\/a> services, in which case you can simply ask our expert Linux admins to install Observium for you.They are available 24\u00d77 and will take care of your request immediately.<\/p>\n PS<\/span><\/strong>. If you liked this post please share it with your friends on the social networks using the buttons on the left or simply leave a reply below. Thanks.<\/p>\n","protected":false},"excerpt":{"rendered":" In this tutorial we will cover the steps needed for installing Observium on an Ubuntu 14.04 VPS. Observium is a … <\/p>\nIn this tutorial we will cover the steps needed for installing Observium on an Ubuntu 14.04 VPS<\/a>.<\/p>\n
# apt-get update && apt-get upgrade<\/pre>\n
# apt-get install mysql-server mysql-client<\/pre>\n
# mysql_secure_installation\r\n- Set root password? [Y\/n] y\r\n- Remove anonymous users? [Y\/n] y\r\n- Disallow root login remotely? [Y\/n] y\r\n- Remove test database and access to it? [Y\/n] y\r\n- Reload privilege tables now? [Y\/n] y<\/pre>\n
# mysql -u root -p\r\n\r\nmysql> create database observium;\r\n\r\nmysql> grant all privileges on observium.* to obsuser@localhost identified by 'your_password';\r\n\r\nmysql> flush privileges;\r\n\r\nmysql> exit\r\nBye<\/pre>\n
# apt-get install libapache2-mod-php5 php5-cli php5-mysql php5-gd php5-mcrypt php5-json php-pear snmp fping python-mysqldb rrdtool subversion whois mtr-tiny ipmitool graphviz imagemagick<\/pre>\n
# mkdir -p \/opt\/observium && cd \/opt<\/pre>\n
# wget http:\/\/www.observium.org\/observium-community-latest.tar.gz<\/pre>\n
# tar zxvf observium-community-latest.tar.gz<\/pre>\n
# cd observium\r\n# cp config.php.default config.php<\/pre>\n
# vim config.php<\/pre>\n
\/\/ Database config\r\n$config['db_host'] = 'localhost';\r\n$config['db_user'] = 'obsuser';\r\n$config['db_pass'] = 'your_password';\r\n$config['db_name'] = 'observium';<\/pre>\n
# cd \/opt\/observium\r\n# php .\/discovery.php -u<\/pre>\n
# mkdir rrd\r\n# chown www-data:www-data rrd<\/pre>\n
# cp \/etc\/apache2\/sites-available\/000-default.conf \/etc\/apache2\/sites-available\/000-default.conf.org<\/pre>\n
# > \/etc\/apache2\/sites-available\/000-default.conf<\/pre>\n
# vim \/etc\/apache2\/sites-available\/000-default.conf<\/pre>\n
<VirtualHost *:80>\r\nServerAdmin webmaster@localhost\r\nDocumentRoot \/opt\/observium\/html\r\n<Directory \/>\r\nOptions FollowSymLinks\r\nAllowOverride None\r\n<\/Directory>\r\n<Directory \/opt\/observium\/html\/>\r\nOptions Indexes FollowSymLinks MultiViews\r\nAllowOverride All\r\nRequire all granted\r\n<\/Directory>\r\nErrorLog ${APACHE_LOG_DIR}\/error.log\r\nLogLevel warn\r\nCustomLog ${APACHE_LOG_DIR}\/access.log combined\r\nServerSignature On\r\n<\/VirtualHost><\/pre>\n
# php5enmod mcrypt<\/pre>\n
# a2enmod rewrite<\/pre>\n
# apache2ctl restart<\/pre>\n
# cd \/opt\/observium<\/pre>\n
# .\/adduser.php <username> <password> <level><\/pre>\n
# .\/adduser.php rosehosting random_password 10<\/pre>\n