{"id":17957,"date":"2015-10-30T17:06:51","date_gmt":"2015-10-30T22:06:51","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/www.rosehosting.com\/blog\/?p=17957"},"modified":"2022-12-12T07:59:08","modified_gmt":"2022-12-12T13:59:08","slug":"how-to-install-php-fusion-9-on-a-debian-8-vps","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/www.rosehosting.com\/blog\/how-to-install-php-fusion-9-on-a-debian-8-vps\/","title":{"rendered":"How to Install PHP-Fusion 9 on Debian 8"},"content":{"rendered":"
This tutorial was tested and written for a Debian 8 VPS<\/a>, but it should work on any Linux distribution.<\/p>\n Let’s start with the installation. Download the latest PHP-Fusion 9 version available at https:\/\/github.com\/php-fusion\/PHP-Fusion to a directory on your server and extract it using the following commands:<\/p>\n Create a new virtual host directive in Apache. For example, create a new Apache configuration file named ‘php-fusion.conf’ on your virtual server:<\/p>\n Then, run the following command:<\/p>\n Or, use the a2ensite to enable the ‘php-fusion.conf’ configuration in Apache:<\/p>\n Edit the ‘php-fusion.conf’ configuration file:<\/p>\n and add the following lines to it:<\/p>\n Set the proper file permissions for the Apache web server to write to ‘administration\/db_backups’, ‘ftp_upload’ and ‘images’ directories and ‘images\/imagelist.js’, ‘images\/avatars’, ‘config_temp.php’ and ‘robots.txt’ files inside the \/var\/www\/html\/php-fusion\/ directory:<\/p>\n Enable the Apache2 rewrite module if it is not already done so:<\/p>\n Restart the Apache web server for the changes to take effect:<\/p>\n Create a new MySQL database for PHP-Fusion to use and assign a user to it with full permissions:<\/p>\n Do not forget to replace ‘your-password’ with a strong password. <\/p>\n For security reasons, delete the entire \/install directory and chmod your ‘config.php’ configuration file back to 0644:<\/p>\n That is it. The PHP-Fusion installation is now complete. <\/p>\n","protected":false},"excerpt":{"rendered":" This step by step tutorial will show you how to install PHP-Fusion 9 on a Debian 8 VPS with Apache, … <\/p>\nThis step by step tutorial will show you how to install PHP-Fusion 9 on a Debian 8 VPS<\/strong> with Apache, PHP and MySQL installed on it. PHP-Fusion is fast and light-weight open-source content management system (CMS) written in PHP. PHP-Fusion 9 includes common features found in other content management systems. By comparing it with the PHP-Fusion 7 version, there are some new features, such as a fully integrated and comprehensive SEO engine, full core support for Multilingual content, PDO support, Bootstrap support, new themes etc. PHP-Fusion comes with a simple but comprehensive administration system.<\/p>\n
\nThis install guide assumes that Apache, MySQL and PHP are already installed and configured on your virtual server. PHP-Fusion 9 requires:<\/p>\n\n
cd \/opt\r\nwget https:\/\/github.com\/php-fusion\/PHP-Fusion\/archive\/9.00.zip\r\nunzip 9.00.zip -d \/var\/www\/html\/\r\nmv \/var\/www\/html\/PHP-Fusion-9.00\/ \/var\/www\/html\/php-fusion\/<\/pre>\n
touch \/etc\/apache2\/sites-available\/php-fusion.conf<\/pre>\n
ln -s \/etc\/apache2\/sites-available\/php-fusion.conf \/etc\/apache2\/sites-enabled\/php-fusion.conf<\/pre>\n
sudo a2ensite php-fusion.conf<\/pre>\n
vi \/etc\/apache2\/sites-available\/php-fusion.conf<\/pre>\n
<VirtualHost *:80>\r\nServerAdmin admin@your-domain.com\r\nDocumentRoot \/var\/www\/html\/php-fusion\/\r\nServerName your-domain.com\r\nServerAlias www.your-domain.com\r\n<Directory \/var\/www\/html\/php-fusion\/>\r\nOptions FollowSymLinks\r\nAllowOverride All\r\n<\/Directory>\r\nErrorLog \/var\/log\/apache2\/your-domain.com-error_log\r\nCustomLog \/var\/log\/apache2\/your-domain.com-access_log common\r\n<\/VirtualHost><\/pre>\n
sudo chown -R www-data:www-data \/var\/www\/html\/php-fusion\/<\/pre>\n
sudo a2enmod rewrite<\/pre>\n
service apache2 restart<\/pre>\n
mysql -u root -p\r\nmysql> CREATE DATABASE phpfusiondb;\r\nmysql> GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON phpfusiondb.* TO 'phpfusionuser'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'your-password' WITH GRANT OPTION;\r\nmysql> FLUSH PRIVILEGES;\r\nmysql> quit<\/pre>\n
\nOpen your favorite web browser, navigate to http:\/\/your-domain.com and follow the easy instructions, then log in to the PHP-Fusion administrator back-end and configure it according to your needs.<\/p>\n<\/p>\n
rm -rf \/var\/www\/html\/php-fusion\/install\r\nchmod 644 \/var\/www\/html\/php-fusion\/config.php<\/pre>\n
\nOf course you don’t have to do any of this if you use one of our Debian Web Hosting<\/a> services, in which case you can simply ask our expert Linux admins to install PHP-Fusion 9 <\/strong> for you. They are available 24\u00d77 and will take care of your request immediately.
\nPS<\/span>.<\/strong> If you liked this post please share it with your friends on the social networks using the buttons on the left or simply leave a reply below. Thanks.<\/p>\n