{"id":17273,"date":"2015-05-25T14:50:20","date_gmt":"2015-05-25T19:50:20","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/secure.rosehosting.com\/blog\/?p=17273"},"modified":"2022-12-12T03:16:59","modified_gmt":"2022-12-12T09:16:59","slug":"install-abantecart-on-a-linux-vps","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/www.rosehosting.com\/blog\/install-abantecart-on-a-linux-vps\/","title":{"rendered":"Install AbanteCart on a Linux VPS"},"content":{"rendered":"
<\/p>\n First, make sure that all your system software is up-to-date. If you have a CentOS VPS <\/a>you can use this command to update all your system software:<\/p>\n If you have an Ubuntu VPS<\/a> you can use:<\/p>\n Once your system is up-to-date, you can proceed with the following steps. and download the latest version of AbanteCart using wget:<\/p>\n Then unzip the downloaded zip file using the command:<\/p>\n Create a directory for AbanteCart in your \/var\/www\/html directory:<\/p>\n Copy the extracted files into the newly created directory:<\/p>\n Now, you need to change the owner of the files and the directories. For CentOS you can use the command:<\/p>\n For Ubuntu, you can use the command:<\/p>\n Also, you need to change the permissions of\u00a0some of the files and some of the directories. For that purpose, you can use the following commands:<\/p>\n It is time to create a database so the AbanteCart can store its data. Log in to your MySQL and execute the following commands one by one:<\/p>\n Once you create a database for the AbanteCart, you are done with the command line interface. Now, you can move to the next\u00a0step of the installation process, which is in fact much easier. Open your favorite web browser and navigate to:<\/p>\n Of course, you need to replace the IP-ADDRESS from the previous command with the IP address of your server. Else, you will get an error. If everything is OK you should be able to continue with the online installation.<\/p>\n Some of the required settings needed to continue with the installation process are:<\/p>\n Also, you will need to enable additional extensions if they are not already enabled. The extensions are the following:<\/p>\n A good way to start using AbanteCart is to check the online documentation<\/a>.<\/p>\n Of course you don\u2019t have to do any of this if you use one of our Linux VPS hosting services<\/a>, in which case you can simply ask our expert Linux admins to install AbanteCart for you. They are available 24\u00d77 and will take care of your request immediately.<\/p>\n PS<\/span>.<\/strong> If you liked this post please share it with your friends on the social networks using the buttons on the left or simply leave a reply below. Thanks.<\/p>\n","protected":false},"excerpt":{"rendered":" Today we are going to show you how to install AbanteCart on a Linux VPS. AbanteCart is an open source … <\/p>\nToday we are going to show you how to install AbanteCart on a Linux VPS<\/a>. AbanteCart is an open source PHP-based ecommerce platform for small or medium businesses. The powerful core features and numerous extensions allows you to build an online business and start selling your products in no time.<\/p>\n
yum update<\/pre>\n
apt-get update\r\napt-get upgrade<\/pre>\n
\nNavigate to the \/opt directory of your server:<\/p>\ncd \/opt\/<\/pre>\n
wget https:\/\/github.com\/abantecart\/abantecart-src\/archive\/master.zip<\/pre>\n
unzip master.zip<\/pre>\n
mkdir \/var\/www\/html\/abantecart<\/pre>\n
cp -r abantecart-src-master\/public_html\/* \/var\/www\/html\/abantecart\/<\/pre>\n
chown -R apache: \/var\/www\/html\/abantecart<\/pre>\n
chown -R www-data: \/var\/www\/html\/abantecart<\/pre>\n
cd \/var\/www\/html\/abantecart\/\r\nchmod 0777 system\/config.php\r\nchmod 0777 system\/\r\nchmod 0777 system\/cache\/\r\nchmod 0777 system\/logs\/\r\nchmod 0777 image\/\r\nchmod 0777 image\/thumbnails\/\r\nchmod 0777 download\/\r\nchmod 0777 extensions\/\r\nchmod 0777 admin\/system\/backup\/\r\nchmod 0777 resources\/<\/pre>\n
CREATE DATABASE abante_cart;\r\nGRANT ALL PRIVILEGES on abante_cart.* to 'abante_user'@'localhost' identified by 'PaSsW0rD';\r\nFLUSH PRIVILEGES;<\/pre>\n
PHP Required Settings\r\nPHP Version: 5.2+\r\nRegister Globals: Off\r\nMagic Quotes GPC: Off\r\nFile Uploads: On\r\nSession Auto Start: Off\r\nOutput Buffering: On<\/pre>\n
Extensions:\r\nMySQL: On\r\nGD: On\r\nCURL: On\r\nZIP: On\r\nMultiByte String: On<\/pre>\n