How to install phpMyAdmin with HHVM, Nginx and MariaDB on an Ubuntu 14.04 VPS

phpmyadmin hhvmIn this tutorial we are going to provide you with step-by-step instructions on how to install phpMyAdmin with HHVM, Nginx and MariaDB on an Ubuntu 14.04 VPS. PhpMyAdmin is an open source application, written in PHP, intended to handle the administration of MySQL / MadiaDB databases over the intuitive web interface.

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Install Odoo on a Debian 8 VPS with Nginx as a reverse proxy

install-odoo-on-a-debian-8-vps-with-nginx-as-a-reverse-proxyIn this tutorial, we will explain how to install Odoo on a Debian 8 VPS with Nginx as a reverse proxy. There are multiple ways to install Odoo, but in this tutorial we will install the latest Odoo 8.0 from the official Odoo repositories using the debian package manager. This guide should work on other Linux VPS systems as well but was tested and written for an Debian 8 VPS.

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How to install LAMP on Debian 8

How to install LAMP on Debian 8

We’ll show you, how to install LAMP on Debian 8. A LAMP stack is a synonym of LAMP server or LAMP web server. It refers to a set-up which includes Linux, Apache, MySQL (MariaDB) and PHP. Installing LAMP on Debian 8, is fairly easy task and should not take more then 10 minutes.

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Install Glassfish 4 on a Debian 8 VPS

glassfishIn this article we will cover the steps needed for installing a fully functional Glassfish server on a Linux VPS, specifically a Debian 8 VPS.
GlassFish is a free open source application server for the Java EE platform. With this application the developers can develop and deploy portable and scalable enterprise Java applications.

This guide should work on other Debian systems as well but was tested and written for a Debian 8 (Jessie) OS.

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How to upgrade a WordPress website via SSH

wordpress-logo-notext-rgbKeeping your WordPress installation, plugins and themes up to date is very important. You have to continually update WordPress immediately after a new version is released. The new versions will bring you new features, bug fixes, stability improvements and the most important – security fixes. If you do not update your WordPress  website it is very likely that your website will be hacked at some point. In this case you can lose your website content, your customers, lose your Google ranking, your website can be defaced, your server can be used for spamming, and many more. So, updating WordPress should be on the top of your list when it comes to the security of your Linux virtual server.

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