How to Install and Configure CyberPanel on CentOS 8

In this tutorial, we will explain how to install and configure CyberPanel on a CentOS 8 VPS.

The web hosting industry is expanding and evolving every day. Web hosting control panels are one of the core elements of this growing industry, thanks to people that are new to web hosting needing a user-friendly way to manage their server.

There’s plenty of choice when looking at installing a control panel on your VPS. A few well-known commercial control panels are Plesk, DirectAdmin, and cPanel. To use these control panels, you need to pay for licenses, which can quickly become costly if the number of users you need isn’t very large. However, there are some open-source control panels that can help fulfill this role. Among them, CyberPanel is a free, open-source, and next-generation web hosting control panel powered by OpenLiteSpeed.

With CyberPanel, you can add new domains/virtual hosts and manage SSL certificates for them. It also provides a one-click installer for WordPress, Prestashop and Joomla.

CyperPanel offers a rich set of features, including a Web Based Terminal, a Git Manager, Auto SSL, PowerDNS, FTP, a Firewall, a File Manager, a PHP Manager, Backup and Restore, and lots more. Let’s get started.

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How to Add a User to a Group on a Linux Server

How to Add a User to a Group on Linux

User groups play an important role in any Linux operating system and its distributions. Groups make it easier to manage larger amounts of users, giving you the ability to give all of them the same security and access privileges.

For example, files and devices may be granted access based on a user’s ID or group ID. Groups allow you to set a file’s permission for the entire group instead of setting permissions for each individual user. Overall, this makes managing permissions for your server’s users a very simple and straightforward process. Let’s show you how to add users to groups on a Linux VPS.

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How to Install phpMyAdmin on CentOS 8

This tutorial explains the process of installing one of the most popular open-source applications for managing MySQL databases – phpMyAdmin. phpMyAdmin is a free and open-source web-based application written in PHP, used to easily manage MySQL databases through your favorite web browser instead of needing to use the MySQL command line interface.

PhpMyAdmin allows users to create, modify, rename, and delete databases, tables, or fields, execute SQL commands through the browser, import and export tables to a wide range of formats, create users and modify their privileges, and much more… Thanks to this tool, we will almost never need to use the MySQL command line again. We are going to install phpMyAdmin on a CentOS 8 VPS with Apache, MariaDB, and of course, PHP. Let’s begin.

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How to Install and Integrate BigBlueButton with WordPress

In this tutorial, we will show you how to set up a BigBlueButton server on Ubuntu 16.04 and integrate it with WordPress using the BigBlueButton plugin.

BigBlueButton is a free and open-source web conferencing system that can be used for online learning, online meetings, and webinars. It’s based on HTML5 and runs entirely within your web browser. BigBlueButton provides high-quality audio, video, and screen sharing using the browser’s built-in support for web real-time communication (WebRTC) libraries. It can be also integrated into WordPress, allowing bloggers to create and manage meeting rooms to interact with their readers.

These excellent features make BigBlueButton one of the best tools for tutors, teachers, schools, colleges, universities, and even entire school districts. At the time of writing this tutorial, the latest version of BigBlueButton is 2.2 and it can be installed on Ubuntu 16.04.  The BigBlueButton authors plan to support Ubuntu 18.04 and Ubuntu 20.04 for the next release of BigBlueButton, but their current recommended version is 16.04. Let’s get started with the installation. Let’s get started with installing BigBlueButton on an Ubuntu 16.04 VPS.

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How to Change the Default SSH Port on Linux

In this tutorial, we will show you how to change the SSH default port in Linux, and go over why changing this default port is a good idea. IMPORTANT: Before we go any further, you should understand that this is not a solution that will prevent or deter a determined hacker to attack your SSH service. It is merely a measure to help you avoid the thousands of automated bots running all the time scanning vast ranges of IP space searching for standard SSH ports being open. Preventing a determined hacker from brute-forcing your SSH service is beyond the scope of this article.

SSH, also known as Secure Shell, is the most widely-used protocol for connecting to and managing Linux systems remotely. SSH offers strong encryption and authentication along with excellent customizability, and using SSH gives you the freedom of accessing a remote machine. You can run services and software as if you were physically using the machine, no matter where you are.

By default, SSH runs on port 22. Since this is common knowledge, this port often becomes a target for brute force attacks. Because this provides full access to your server’s OS, people with malicious intent will often target port 22 more than any other port. Changing the default SSH port will prevent automated attacks that don’t spend the time to rotate ports when targeting a Linux Server. To protect your server from a brute force attack, you should change the default SSH port to something else.

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How to Install Let’s Encrypt on Ubuntu 20.04 with Apache

In this article, we will show you how to install the Let’s Encrypt client on your Ubuntu 20.04 VPS, issue an SSL certificate for your domain, and configure it with the Apache webserver.

Let’s Encrypt is a certificate authority organization (CA) that allows anyone to obtain a free SSL certificate with simple and automated commands. In this tutorial, we will use a tool called certbot, which is an official part of EFF’s effort to encrypt the entire Internet. Thanks to this convenient tool, setting up an SSL certificate to protect your website’s visitors and improve your website’s security has never been easier. All SSL certificates provided by Let’s Encrypt can be used for production/commercial purposes without any costs or fees. Let’s begin with the installation and setup.

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How to Install a Mail Server with PostfixAdmin on Ubuntu 20.04

In this tutorial, we’ll be covering the process of setting up a mail server with Postfix, Dovecot, Postfixadmin and MariaDB on an Ubuntu 20.04 VPS. But first, what is PostfixAdmin?

PostfixAdmin is an open-source web-based application written in PHP that’s used to create virtual domains and email accounts for a Postfix mail server. Using PostfixAdmin, we can manage mailboxes & aliases, set quotas, configure vacation/out-of-the-office messages, and more. Plus, the web-based interface gives you the user-friendliness of a browser window with a UI.

PostfixAdmin allows us to use virtual email addresses and virtual mailboxes, so we do not need to create a new system user account for each email address. Considering all of these details, PostfixAdmin is a versatile tool and can be used for almost all of your mailing needs. This tutorial goes quite in-depth and may take some time to configure everything properly. Let’s get started with the installation steps.

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How to Use Puppet Modules to Create a LAMP Stack on Ubuntu 20.04

Puppet is a powerful open-source configuration management tool that can be used to deploy, configure, manage, and maintain a server while accessing it remotely. Puppet is written in Ruby and helps you to deploy and manage a single server – all the way up to thousands of physical and virtual servers – all from a central location.

Puppet modules are collections of manifest files and data that allow Puppet to load and find classes, facts, functions, defined types, and tasks. With Puppet modules, you can install and update packages, create files and directories, and/or make any configuration changes quickly and easily. It aims to perform and automate almost any task, such as launching a LAMP environment, setting up virtual hosts, etc.

In this tutorial, we will show how to create a LAMP module to deploy a LAMP stack on the Puppet agent machine, both of which are Ubuntu 20.04 VPSes. Let’s begin.

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