How to Install ClickHouse on Debian 9

In this tutorial, we will explain the steps of installing ClickHouse on a Debian 9 VPS.

ClickHouse is a free and open-source DBMS (columnar database management system) developed by Yandex. With ClickHouse, users can manage very large volumes of data, including non-aggregated data, and generate data reports in real time – and it can do all of this pretty quickly, too. It is able to process hundreds of millions of data entries per second on a server. The system is linearly scalable and can be scaled up to store and process trillions of rows and petabytes of data.  The installation process is pretty easy and straightforward, and it can be done in less than 10 minutes. Let’s get started.

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How to Install Wekan on CentOS 7

In this tutorial, we will be installing Wekan and Snap on a CentOS 7 VPS.

Wekan is a web-based kanban board application that provides task distribution using intuitive graphics for better and modern team collaboration. Wekan makes use of what they call ‘Board’ from which you can add your team members. Added members can be assigned on a ‘Card’ which is simply a card-like interface that contains the details about a task.

This basic concept of ‘Board’ and ‘Cards’ make the arrangement of tasks effortless to perform since team members can see what the overall progress of the team is with regards of work to be done, work that’s currently being done, and any work that’s already done which in return increases the productivity of the team.

Wekan almost provides the same features of Trello, with some advantages:

  • Source code is fully open-source
  • Source code is reviewed by security researchers
  • Powered by mainstream web technologies e.g. Nginx, Node JS, and MongoDB
  • No monthly subscription payment fees
  • Can be hosted on your own server
  • Can be used in a private or local network
  • Continues releases and bug fixes from maintainers

For installation, Wekan uses Snap, which is simply a packaging software for cross-platform and dependency-free installation.

Wekan is administered under the MIT License and is currently supported by Wekan Team under its maintainer under the name of  ‘xet7’.

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How to Install LAMP on Ubuntu 18.04

In this guide, we will explain how to install LAMP on Ubuntu 18.04.

LAMP (Linux, Apache, MySQL, PHP) is a combination of open source software, typically installed on a server used for hosting dynamic websites and web applications. It includes the Linux operating system, the Apache web server, MySQL for data storage and management, and PHP for handling the dynamic content.

Installing LAMP on Ubuntu 18.04 is an easy task and should not take more than 10 minutes. Let’s begin with the installation process.

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How to Configure a Firewall with CSF on Debian 9

In this article, we will show you how to install and configure the CSF firewall on a Debian 9 VPS, as well as go through some tips on how to use CSF.

ConfigServer Security & Firewall (CSF) is a free and advanced firewall management tool based on iptables. CSF provides a high level of security on your server and is very straightforward, making it easy to set up and install on all supported Linux distributions. We will use Debian 9 which is among the supported Linux distributions. CSF has many great features such as port scanning, SYN floods and brute force attacks for many services that can help you protect your server. One of the very nice features on CSF is that it provides a built-in web UI for managing the firewall from a web browser. This UI integration is supported by cPanel, DirectAdmin, as well as working independently on your server.

The CSF installation also comes with another service called Login Failure Daemon (LFD). LFD actually is a process that monitors the log files and sends email notifications based on the CSF configuration rules. Let’s begin with the installation.

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How to Install the Elgg Social Network on Debian 9

In this tutorial, we will explain how to install Elgg on a Debian 9 VPS as well as all of the necessary components, such as the Apache web server, the MariaDB database server, and PHP.

Elgg is a free and open-source social network platform that allows users to build their own self-hosted social network environments, such as a campus-wide social network for your university, school, or college, or an internal collaborative platform for your organization.

Elgg comes with a lot of handy features out-of-the-box, such as:

  • The Core API
  • Composer package manager
  • Flexible system of hooks and events
  • Extendable system of views
  • Cacheable system of static assets
  • Notifications service
  • Internationalization and localization
    and much more…

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How To Install Sensu on CentOS 7

How to Install Sensu on CentOS 7

In this tutorial, we will be installing Sensu on a CentOS 7 VPS. We will also show you how to set it up, that way you can start using it right away.

Sensu is a comprehensive multi-cloud monitoring solution for extensive monitoring of businesses’ IT infrastructure. Sensu is composed of a backend, wherein all data will be gathered and checked, and an agent, which will act as the client host that sends checks/requests to the backend for processing.

Installing Sensu on CentOS 7

Some of Sensu’s key features are the following:

  • Automated workflow monitoring
  • Fast incident response and alert notifications
  • Support for collecting and storing industry-standard metrics
  • A built-in command line tool (sensuctl)
  • Up-to-date API and modern dashboard interface included by default

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How to Disable SELinux on CentOS 7

In this tutorial we will go over the different levels of security in SELinux, as well as show you how to disable SELinux on a CentOS 7 VPS.

SELinux or Security-Enhanced Linux is a Linux kernel security module which provides a variety of security policies and gives server administrators better control over access to various parts of their system. Basically, with SELinux enabled, every program or action running on a Linux VPS which can affect the system in any way would be checked against a security ruleset. Although it provides a higher level of security, many system administrators find it difficult to manage and troubleshoot. For this reason, it’s common for admins to want to disable it. Let’s get started with disabling SELinux.

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How to Install Feng Office on an Ubuntu 18.04 VPS

How to Install Feng Office on Ubuntu 18.04

In this article, we will show you how to install Feng Office on an Ubuntu 18.04 VPS.

Feng Office is an open-source collaboration platform that is web-based and written in PHP. This application has three editions: Community, Professional, and Enterprise. In this tutorial, we will install the Community edition which is the basic Feng Office and includes excellent features such as task management, document management, workspaces, and a lot more.

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