In this article we will explain how to install fail2ban on CentOS. Fail2ban is a free and open source framework developed in Python. It is an excellent and very helpful tool for stopping the endless brute force attacks on your services and preventing intrusions into your system. Fail2ban scans the log files on your server for repeated password failures and bans the offending IP addresses. Installing Fail2Ban on CentOs is an easy task if you carefully follow the steps bellow.
linux vps
How to Install Bugzilla on CentOS 6
Bugzilla is the most favorite bug-tracking system, designed to help the software developers’ groups keep track of their software development.
It is a free and a feature-rich application that finds itself at service of a large number of teams and organizations, helping them organize and synchronize their development work.
This article will guide you through the installation process of Bugzilla on a CentOS VPS.
How to install Laravel 4 with Twitter Bootstrap on Linux VPS
The following article will guide you through the steps of installing and configuring Laravel 4 and Twitter Bootstrap on a Debian Wheezy Linux VPS.
What is Laravel?
Laravel is an elegant PHP web framework for web artisans with expressive and elegant syntax. Laravel 4 uses Composer for dependency management as the framework itself depends on a number of external packages to function correctly.
How to Install Zen Cart E-Commerce Shopping Cart on a Linux Server
Zen cart is one of the most popular open source e-commerce shopping cart softwares. It is a PHP-based online store management system and can easily be installed on a Linux VPS. Zen Cart is fully customizable so you can run an online store and control all of its features and capabilities in no time.
This install guide will help you install Zen Cart and it assumes that Apache, MySQL and PHP 5 are already installed and configured on one of our Linux virtual server hosting plans.
How to install Gitlab, Ruby and Nginx on a Debian 7 (Wheezy) VPS
GitLab is a fast, secure and stable solution to manage your projects. It is a self hosted Git management software based on Ruby on Rails and has a free and open-source license.
GitLab is one of the most installed git management applications in the world. With GitLab you can create projects and repositories, manage access and do code review.
In the following article we are going to show you how you can deploy GitLab on one of our Debian VPS hosting plans.
How to install PHP-Nuke on a CentOS 6 VPS
PHP-Nuke is a web-based automated news publishing and content management system (CMS), based on PHP and MySQL.
To install and run PHP-Nuke on a CentOS 6 Linux VPS follow the very easy steps described below. We assume Apache (or any other web server), PHP and MySQL have already been successfully installed and running on your server. If not, you need to set them first. If you need more help about the installation of the LAMP server, check this our fine article: How to install LAMP (Linux Apache MySQL and PHP) on CentOS 6.
How to Install Ruby on Rails with Nginx and Passenger
Ruby on Rails, or simply Rails, is an open source web application framework built on top of the Ruby programming language. In this article, we will show you how to install Ruby, Ruby on Rails and Nginx with Passenger support on Debian-based distributions (Ubuntu VPS and Debian VPS).
How to Install osCommerce on a Linux VPS
osCommerce is an Open Source, PHP based application which can be downloaded for free from osCommerce’s official website. It is one of the most popular and powerful e-commerce and online store management softwares. osCommerce allows you to setup and maintain e-stores very easily with almost no effort.
The installation is quite easy and straightforward and can be done by following the steps described in this article.