Managed Cloud Hosting

Next-generation fully-managed cloud hosting platform for developers and businesses from the masters of Linux server deployment, helping businesses since 2001

managed cloud hosting

Cloud Hosting Features

Give your website the features and speed it deserves with our Cloud Hosting
Enterprise Performance
Automated Scaling
Load Balancing
Simplified Deployment
One-Click Applications
Fully-Managed Service
Environment Monitoring


Our managed cloud platform is built from the ground up on an enterprise NVMe storage platform and utilizing the latest generation Intel Xeon CPUs for lightning-fast response times and performance.
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managed cloud hosting performance

automated scaling

The RoseHosting Managed Cloud Hosting platform continuously monitors your applications' resource utilization and allocates them automatically according to the load changes. You only need to select the servers with the required stacks and set the maximum limits you are comfortable with, the rest is done automatically by the platform's automatic vertical scaling. In addition to this, the platform can automatically scale horizontally as well, adding nodes and adjusting the number of servers within a layer based on the current load level. Your next load spike will never be stressful again.
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managed cloud hosting automated scaling


Enable load balancing for your environments and benefit from high resiliency during your next traffic surge, providing a high-quality experience for your visitors.
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managed cloud hosting load balancing

Simplified Deployment

The RoseHosting Managed Cloud Service supports many different ways of automatic application deployment which allows you to choose the best option for your specific use case. You can initiate project deployments and topology reconfigurations including load balancing and clusterization without any application code modification, all this with just a few clicks. This allows very easy application migrations and deployments.
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managed cloud hosting deployment

One-Click Applications

RoseHosting Cloud provides developers with a rich set of tools and pre-made services for deployment automation through our free marketplace, including “one-click” installation as well as pre-configured environments and tools for code building and project management for both single instance and clustered applications. All setups available on the marketplace are entirely free, you just pay for the server resources used by your deployment.
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managed cloud hosting one click applications

Fully-Managed Service

Focus your efforts on your projects and business while our expert team of admins manages and maintains the environment you depend on.
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fully managed cloud hosting

Environment Monitoring

Built-in monitoring of CPU, RAM, I/O, Storage, Network with customizable alerts and notifications for your peace of mind.
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managed cloud hosting monitoring


You only pay for what you use!
RoseHosting’s Managed Cloud Service provides a pricing model based on real consumption. The dynamic allocation of resources provides flexibility and ensures that developers and businesses only pay for what they actually need.
cloud hosting services
AWS, Google, MS, Rackspace, DO & Others
cloud fully managed
Pay for usage at RoseHosting Cloud


The resources are provisioned in the form of cloudlets (128MiB of RAM and 400MHz of CPU). With this, resource usage can be very finely tuned for your use case.


Automatic vertical and horizontal scaling dynamically adjusts available resources based on usage to maximize system responsiveness and cost-effectiveness.


Bulk pricing discounts are available and automatic as resource usage increases. The more resources your deployments use, the bigger the discount - up to 45%.

Calculator - Check the price for your use case

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What is Managed Cloud Hosting?

PaaS managed Cloud Hosting is a modern cloud-computing concept designed to develop and run online applications. It stands for Platform-as-a-Service.

The PaaS model eliminates the need for additional purchase, maintenance, and configuration of the hardware and software required to develop and deploy applications. By doing so it also eliminates the complexity and the expense of the task.

For simplicity of use and great user experience, PaaS providers manage and provide support for all software and computing components. Users can simply access the platform by logging in, commonly through their web browsers.

The majority of PaaS platforms focus on software development and have many advantages over standard hosting.
what is managed cloud hosting
managed cloud hosting dashboard

Powerful Dashboard

You can easily manage all your environments through the intuitive dashboard. Make new environments, deploy the projects, edit the existing one’s topology, and more. We also make the setting up of vertical and horizontal scaling a snap. You just need to drag and take the limits to where you want and the rest will be handled automatically. The dashboard also gives you the ability to drag and drop files into your environment. And all these systems are designed keeping in mind user-friendliness while still providing you with full control of your server.

Tools for Web Developers

Get all the features that you need without the complexity of an enterprise-level website, with our managed Cloud Hosting. Access your server and the files with ease with SFTP or SSH. You can add an SSL certificate for free and enable premium CDN in just a click, collaborate with more team members, and you can even configure the complex topologies of the server by clicking on the option that you want.
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managed cloud hosting tools

Have Existing Cloud Hosting Elsewhere?

Our team of migration experts will move unlimited websites, databases and other services entirely free of charge, safely and quickly!
About Our Migrations

How We Are Different

Our service is one-of-a-kind and here's why.
root access

Full Root Access

All hosting services include root access and allow you unrestricted access to your server and its operating system, with or without a control panel. Other providers allow you either root access with no managed support, or managed support only with their control panel. We will gladly provide you with all of them or any combination you want.
transparent pricing

Transparent Pricing

We don't hide our real prices behind bait-and-switch plans or too-good-to-be-true offers. The prices you see on your screen are the actual prices you'd be paying. We also won't increase your rates at renewal, or ever - the price you start with is the price you get to keep forever.
money back

100% Uptime SLA

We guarantee a true 100% uptime for your servers and we go one level beyond. For any hour of unscheduled downtime we will credit you 1000% (10x) the hours your service was down by dividing your monthly recurring service charges by the number of hours in a month (720 hours) and multiplying by the downtime hours.
dell servers

Best Dell® Servers

We use the latest-generation Dell® PowerEdge servers equipped with Intel® Xeon® Gold processors or better to keep your processes running smoothly and efficiently. That, combined with our enterprise-grade NVMe storage creates a system that will handle your online operations reliably, all day, every day.
usa location

U.S. Location

With our data center located in St. Louis, Missouri, you can expect low latency across the entire United States. Our network will provide you with great speed and low latency thanks to our data center location, less than 50 miles from the population center of the United States. All data center systems are N+1 redundant.
managed support

Fully Managed Service

All our hosting services come with our unlimited 24/7 fully-managed support service, all at no extra cost to you. We will setup and configure any software stack you need and will configure it and tune it manually to your specification and requirements - just let us know what you need and we'll handle the rest so you can focus on managing your business and not your servers.

Network Information

Our network configuration is designed with capacity and reliability in mind. We use redundant 10Gbit connections through several Tier-1 upstream providers. Depending on your plan, servers are able to use up to 1 Gbit/s of network bandwidth. Your websites will perform excellently on our network infrastructure, and will be reliably accessible from everywhere.
no limitations

No Arbitrary Limits

We impose no arbitrary limitations on your server. You can host as many websites, application and services as your server hardware can handle. Most providers limit you, to a predefined number of websites or WordPress installations, or sometimes even number of page views or visitors per month. We simply do not, feel free to use all the resources (CPU, RAM, Disk) available on your server with no restrictions.

23 Years In Business

Over the past two decades in the hosting industry, we have perfected our processes and we've met almost every issue imaginable with hosting websites and software on servers. Thanks to this, we are prepared to provide you with support for even the most obscure or rarely seen issues. You can relax, your server is in good hands.
Born in St. Louis. Loved Worldwide.
Here’s what some of our clients are saying.
  • I love RoseHosting so much, I kind of hate leaving a review. They are like a secret gem! Before them I was using a well known company and struggling. RoseHosting basically held my hand through all of my VPS Hosting so I could concentrate on what I’m good at, web design.
    Christina G.
  • They clearly have the best support for all companies i have been working with. You can chat with them anytime, friendly, supportive and it doesn't matter day or night. Good technical understanding. Keep up the good work guys!
    Jordie van H.
  • Customer Service is by far the best you would ever find anywhere. They are an amazing team willing to collaborate and explain in detail in order to help. The team of technicians are fast pace and quick at solving any issue. they are absolutely great professionals.
    Lery M.
  • I have tested more than 20 hosting services in the past at WHSR - RoseHosting is easily one of the top 3 in term of server quality by far.
    Jerry L.
  • I have been with RoseHosting for over a decade. After dealing with other hosts and being frustrated by their lack of support and knowledge it was refreshing to finally find a host that not only hired experts, but also valued customers.
    Lewis A.
  • RoseHosting has very nice support time I ever met! Excellent Support team! Even I am 6000 miles away from them! I hope you have more customers!
    Omer O.
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The application can be deployed using a local file (zip, war, jar) or GIT/SVN with automatic updates.


A selection of over 50 different applications, software platforms, and servers, both clustered and single, are available to be quickly and easily set up with just a few clicks.


The Managed Cloud Hosting Dashboard provides an easy-to-use system to upload and edit files to your environments.


It is a managed cloud hosting platform that provides deployment and scaling automation, application management and DevOps tools that can be run on a shared infrastructure.


RoseHosting Cloud is perfect for:
- Developers, as it offers easy application deployment and configuration.
- Web Studios, as it offers installation of applications such as WordPress, Magento or Odoo with a single click.
- Large, Medium and Small Businesses, as it offers seamless implementation of high availability clusters.


RoseHosting Cloud provides support for Docker containers with integration to Public and Private Hub Registries, as well as pre-packaged Kubernetes clusters for automated installation and scaling.
- Simple management via UI & CLI
- Automatic vertical and horizontal scaling
- High Availability on application and hardware levels
- High level of isolation
- Container-native orchestration
- Live migration across clouds


Resources are charged on an hourly basis - these resources are taken into consideration:
- RAM and CPU (cloudlets)
- Disk space
- External traffic
- Public IPs
Together, these resources and their utilization determine the hourly cost.


Our managed cloud platform provides support for Java, PHP, Ruby, Node.js, Python, Go and .NET, as well as any others that can be run through Docker.


The RoseHosting Managed Cloud supports a wide range of software stacks, amongst them are the following common choices:
Some of the common Application Servers include: TomEE, Tomcat, GlassFish, Jetty, Apache, NGINX, Node.js, JBoss, SmartFoxServer, WildFly, Railo, and WebLogic Server.
And some of the common Database Servers include: MySQL, MariaDB, MongoDB, PostgreSQL, CouchDB, Cassandra, OrientDB, Redis, Neo4j, Microsoft SQL Server, Oracle DB, and PerconaDB.


There are two types of cloudlets:
- Reserved Cloudlets are reserved in advance and will be charged regardless of your actual resource usage. In exchange, you’ll get better automatic discounts based on the number of reserved cloudlets.
- Dynamic Cloudlets are added and removed automatically according to the amount of resources that are required by your application at a particular point in time (dynamic cloudlets are added when the load goes up and removed as soon as it drops down). As a result, you pay based on your actual resource usage.
The granularity of the cloudlets makes it possible to allocate a number of resources that precisely fits your current needs and will scale with your project effectively.
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