How to install SOGo on a Debian 6 VPS

sogo-logo The following article will guide you through the installation of SOGo. For this setup we used one of our Debian 6 virtual servers.

What is SOGo?

SOGo is a free and modern scalable groupware server. It offers shared calendars, address books, and emails through your favourite Web browser and by using a native client such as Mozilla Thunderbird and Lightning.

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How to install Laravel on Linux

How to install laravel on linux

We’ll show you how to install Laravel on Linux. Laravel is an open source web application framework written in PHP which follows the model-view-controller (MVC) paradigm. Laravel is a young framework, but it quickly gained popularity thanks to the extensive documentation, friendly community and clean and classy code. Installing Laravel on Linux is fairly easy task, just carefully follow the steps bellow and you should have Laravel installed on your Linux machine in less then 10 minutes.

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How to install Piwik on a CentOS VPS

This article covers the installation of Piwik on a CentOS VPS. The installation is quite easy and fast, and can be done by anyone.

Piwik is a free web analytics software used by more than 300,000 websites worldwide. Piwik provides detailed real time reports on your website’s visitors, your visitors’ geo location, your marketing campaigns, and much more…

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How to Install Etherpad Lite on Debian Wheezy


In this tutorial, we will show you how to install Etherpad Lite on Debian Wheezy. Etherpad Lite is an Open Source web-based editor providing collaborative editing in real-time, including built-in chat box. This all takes place on one of our Linux VPS hosting plans but it should work just as well on any other Linux installation.

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How to install Drupal on CentOS/Fedora

drupalDrupal is another PHP based, open-source content management system that is used for managing, publishing and organizing your website, regardless of whether it is your personal blog or your corporate website. Drupal can be easily installed on your CentOS or Fedora VPS in less than 5 minutes. All you need to do is to create a MySQL user and database for your Drupal installation, download the latest version of Drupal and create a configuration file. That’s it.

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