{"id":20129,"date":"2016-09-14T07:46:13","date_gmt":"2016-09-14T12:46:13","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/www.rosehosting.com\/blog\/?p=20129"},"modified":"2024-06-17T02:39:57","modified_gmt":"2024-06-17T07:39:57","slug":"install-hiawatha-on-a-linux-vps","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/www.rosehosting.com\/blog\/install-hiawatha-on-a-linux-vps\/","title":{"rendered":"Install Hiawatha on a Linux VPS"},"content":{"rendered":"
In today’s article, we will install Hiawatha on a Linux VPS<\/a>. Hiawatha is an advanced, light and high-performance open source web server designed by Hugo Leisink with special emphasis on security.<\/p>\n Hiawatha boasts many security features as standard which would normally be included as modules (or not at all) in other webservers, features that cover prevention of SQL-injection, cross-site scripting (XSS), cross-site request forgery (CSRF) prevention, denial-of-service protection, control external image linking, banning of potential hackers and limiting the runtime of CGI applications.<\/p>\n It has a lot of features few of which are the ones listed below:<\/p>\n More info can be found on the Hiawatha official site<\/a>.<\/p>\n So, let’s start now.<\/p>\n We will be using our SSD 1 Linux VPS hosting plan for this tutorial. The operating systems on which we will do the Hiawatha installations are Ubuntu 16.04<\/a>, Debian 8<\/a> and CentOS 7<\/a>.<\/p>\n LOG IN TO YOUR SERVER VIA SSH<\/p>\n You can check whether you have the proper Ubuntu version installed on your server with the following command:<\/p>\n You should get this output:<\/p>\n Make sure your server is fully up to date using:<\/p>\n Install the appropriate repository key:<\/p>\n Edit the sources.list file:<\/p>\n and add this line:<\/p>\n Save and close the file. Update the package index, install and start Hiawatha with the following three commands:<\/p>\n First check if you have the proper CentOS version installed on your server:<\/p>\n You should get this output:<\/p>\n Now install the respective repo:<\/p>\n Install and start Hiawatha:<\/p>\n Verify that you have the proper Debian version installed on your VPS:<\/p>\n Which will give you:<\/p>\n The Debian 8 version that we are installing Hiawatha on is 64 bit and therefore we will download the appropriate deb package with the underneath command:<\/p>\n Before installing Hiawatha from the .deb package you’ve just downloaded, you need to install the XSLT 1.0 processing library because it is a dependency for the installation.<\/p>\n Now install and start Hiawatha:<\/p>\n You can access Hiawatha for all these operating systems by opening your favorite web browser and navigating to http:\/\/your_server_IP<\/strong> where you will see a page as the image below:<\/p>\n <\/p>\n <\/p>\n <\/p>\n <\/p>\n <\/p>\n <\/p>\n <\/p>\n <\/p>\n <\/p>\n <\/p>\n <\/p>\n <\/p>\n <\/p>\n The configuration files for Hiawatha are in the \/etc directory. The correct path is: \/etc\/hiawatha\/<\/strong><\/em><\/p>\n Of course, you don\u2019t have to Install Hiawatha on a Linux VPS, if you use one of our Managed\u00a0Linux VPS Hosting<\/a> services, in which case you can simply ask our expert Linux admins to install Hiawatha for you. They are available 24\u00d77 and will take care of your request immediately.<\/p>\n PS.<\/span> If you liked this post, on how to\u00a0Install Hiawatha on a Linux VPS,\u00a0 please share it with your friends on the social networks using the buttons on the left or simply leave a reply below. Thanks.<\/p>\n","protected":false},"excerpt":{"rendered":" In today’s article, we will install Hiawatha on a Linux VPS. Hiawatha is an advanced, light and high-performance open source … <\/p>\n\n
# ssh root@server_ip<\/pre>\n
# lsb_release -a<\/pre>\n
Distributor ID: Ubuntu\r\nDescription: Ubuntu 16.04.1 LTS\r\nRelease: 16.04\r\nCodename: xenial<\/pre>\n
UPDATE THE SYSTEM<\/strong><\/h4>\n
# apt-get update && apt-get upgrade<\/pre>\n
# apt-key adv --recv-keys --keyserver keys.gnupg.net 79AF54A9<\/pre>\n
# nano \/etc\/apt\/sources.list<\/pre>\n
deb http:\/\/mirror.tuxhelp.org\/debian\/ squeeze main<\/pre>\n
# apt-get update\r\n\r\n# apt-get install hiawatha\r\n\r\n# service hiawatha start<\/pre>\n
# cat \/etc\/redhat-release<\/pre>\n
CentOS Linux release 7.2.1511 (Core)<\/pre>\n
# yum install http:\/\/anku.ecualinux.com\/20\/x86_64\/anku-release-8-1.noarch.rpm<\/pre>\n
# yum --enablerepo=anku install hiawatha\r\n\r\n# service hiawatha start<\/pre>\n
# lsb_release -a<\/pre>\n
Distributor ID: Debian\r\nDescription: Debian GNU\/Linux 8.5 (jessie)\r\nRelease: 8.5\r\nCodename: jessie<\/pre>\n
# wget https:\/\/files.tuxhelp.org\/hiawatha\/hiawatha_10.3_amd64.deb<\/pre>\n
# apt-get install libxslt1.1<\/pre>\n
# dpkg -i hiawatha_10.3_amd64.deb\r\n\r\n# \/etc\/init.d\/hiawatha start<\/pre>\n