Install your own Photo Gallery using Piwigo and Ubuntu 14.04

install-your-own-photo-gallery-using-piwigo-and-ubuntu-14-04-lts-vpsIn this article we are going through the steps of installing and setting up a private/public Photo Gallery using Piwigo on one of our Ubuntu based virtual servers.

What exactly is Piwigo?

It is open-source photo gallery software for the web, built by an active community of users and developers. Piwigo extensions make it easily customizable and highly flexible. Piwigo is free and open source software.

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OpenVPN setup script for Debian and Ubuntu

openvpnOpenVPN is a free and open-source software application that can be used to securely link two or more private networks using an encrypted tunnel over the Internet.  OpenVPN is bound to the OpenSSL library and derives much of its crypto capabilities from it.

Today we will share a script you can use to install and configure OpenVPN on an Ubuntu VPS. The script is pretty much self-explanatory.

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How to Install Bolt CMS on Ubuntu

How to Install Bolt CMS on Ubuntu

In this blog post we will show you how to install Bolt CMS on Ubuntu, with Nginx and MariaDB. Bolt is a lightweight CMS, written in PHP and it’s built upon the Silex framework. This tutorial should work on other Linux VPS systems as well, but was tested and written for Ubuntu. Installing Bolt CMS on Ubuntu  is an easy task if you carefully follow the steps bellow.

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How to install Nagios3 and Check_MK on an Ubuntu 12.04 LTS VPS

install-nagios3-on-ubuntu-13-10-vps-for-monitoring-virtual-servers-and-servicesThe following article guides through the steps of installing and configuring Nagios3 and Check_MK on a Ubuntu 12.04 LTS VPS.

Once deployed, you will be able to monitor your virtual servers and the services running on them.

Nagios3 is a robust and very powerful monitoring system, which in combination with Check_MK will provide you with a nice and easy way to monitor your virtual servers and services.

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Install WordPress with HHVM, Nginx and MariaDB on an Ubuntu 12.04 LTS

HipHopHHVM is an open-source virtual machine designed for executing programs written in PHP. HHVM stands for HipHop Virtual Machine and it was initially developed by Facebook to boost up their application performance, and for those who don’t know MariaDB is a drop-in replacement for MySQL. In this tutorial we will show you step by step how to install WordPress with HHVM, Nginx and MariaDB on an Ubuntu 12.04 LTS VPS.

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Script: Install WordPress on a Debian/Ubuntu VPS

Previously we explained how to install WordPress on a Debian VPS. Also you can install WordPress on Debian or Ubuntu VPS in an easier way, using the script provided in this article. This script will create a MySQL database, will download and configure the latest WordPress version and create Apache virtual host for you automatically. All you need to do is to create a file on your WordPress VPS with the content shown below, make the file executable, execute it and enter a few parameters.

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